Leak detection in theory and practice

Correct and efficient leak detection on assemblies and vacuum systems.

The focus of the seminar is on the practical implementation of leak detection. At the end of the course, participants will be able to carry out and evaluate leak detections independently, regardless of the model of helium leak detector used.


  • Basics of leak detection technology
  • Real and virtual leaks
  • Leak detection options
  • Design and function of a helium leak detector
  • Standard methods for helium leak detection
  • Efficient leak detection with the helium leak detector
  • Procedure for leak detection on assemblies and vacuum systems
  • Other interference factors in vacuum technology


Correct and efficient performance of leak detection on assemblies and vacuum systems.


2 days

Workshop target group

Mitarbeiter mit geringen Grundkenntnissen in der Vakuumtechnik, Lecksuchbeauftragte, Monteure, Konstrukteure, Inbetriebnehmer, Wartungspersonal usw.



28.05.2024 - 29.05.2024
Druschke GmbH
Am Bruchweg 2
63571 Gelnhausen-Meerholz