Basics of vacuum technology

Basic understanding of the processes in vacuum technology

Great importance is attached to a practical demonstration of the knowledge imparted. The participants should understand the typical effects of the individual effects by means of experiments in order to remember them in the long term. The exact content of the seminar will be tailored to the needs of the participants.


  • Physical basics of vacuum technology
  • Pressure, volume, temperature, gas volume, leakage rate, environmental influences, ...
  • Pressure measurement methods in the vacuum range
  • Liquid vacuum gauges, force gauges, capacitance vacuum gauges, heat conduction vacuum gauges, ionization vacuum gauges, ...
  • Basics of vacuum generation - vacuum pumps
  • Pump parameters (pumping speed, suction capacity, ...), mechanical vacuum pumps, kinetic vacuum pumps, ...
  • Components of vacuum technology
  • Connections, valves, feedthroughs, ...


Basic understanding of the processes in vacuum technology


2 days

Workshop target group

Teilnehmer mit geringen oder keinen Vorkenntnissen in der Vakuumtechnik



14.05.2024 - 15.05.2024
Druschke GmbH
Am Bruchweg 2
63571 Gelnhausen-Meerholz